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Corporate Sponsorship Opportunities

Corporate Sponsorship Opportunities

At Charisma’s Heart, we partner with businesses that share our vision of empowering women and children to rebuild their lives after experiencing abuse, trauma, and instability. By becoming a corporate sponsor, your business can make a direct, meaningful impact on the lives of families in transition, while gaining visibility and recognition for supporting a critical cause.

Why Partner with Us?

  • Community Impact: Your sponsorship helps us provide safe housing, counseling, legal advocacy, and job training to women and children escaping domestic violence.
  • Brand Recognition: We proudly recognize our corporate sponsors across our website, social media, and at events, showcasing your business as a leader in social responsibility.
  • Employee Engagement: We offer opportunities for your employees to get involved through volunteer programs and special events, creating a meaningful connection to the community and fostering team-building.

Sponsorship Levels

1. Heart of Hope Sponsor – $10,000+
As a premier sponsor, your business will have exclusive recognition at all Charisma’s Heart events, top placement on our website, and mentions in press releases and media. You will also have the opportunity to collaborate on a custom program or initiative with us.
2. Empowerment Sponsor – $5,000
This level provides prominent recognition on our website, social media, and at select events. Your business will also receive a special spotlight feature in our quarterly newsletter and an invitation to participate in our annual gala.
3. Shelter Sponsor – $2,500
As a Shelter Sponsor, your business will receive recognition on our donor wall, website, and social media. You’ll also have the opportunity to support specific initiatives, such as sponsoring housing for a family or funding counseling services
4. Community Sponsor – $1,000
At this level, your company will be acknowledged on our website and at local community events. You will also have the opportunity to host a company volunteer day at one of our facilities, offering direct interaction with the families we serve.

Custom Sponsorship Packages

We understand that every business has unique goals and values. That’s why we offer custom sponsorship packages tailored to your company’s needs. Whether you’re interested in sponsoring a specific program, event, or initiative, we’ll work with you to create a partnership that aligns with your corporate mission and makes the greatest impact.

In-Kind Donations and Services

If your business provides products or services that align with our mission, we also welcome in-kind donations and partnerships. Whether it’s providing meals, clothing, professional services, or event sponsorships, we value creative collaborations that help further our cause.

Our Sponsors Make a Difference

At Charisma’s Heart, we believe in the power of community and collaboration. Together with our corporate sponsors, we’re creating an ecosystem of support for women and children, helping them find stability, hope, and new beginnings. Thank you for partnering with us to make a lasting impact!

Contact Us

Ready to become a sponsor or want to learn more? We’d love to discuss partnership opportunities with you.